QUANTUM OPTIMAL CONTROL - From Mathematical Foundations to Quantum Technologies
This workshop is part of the Thematic Einstein Semester “Mathematics for Quantum Technologies” (Summer 2024) funded by the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ and the Einstein Foundation Berlin. A central objective of the workshop is to promote an exchange between mathematicians, physicists and engineers across disciplines on the subject of optimal control of quantum systems.
Topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- quantum optimal control algorithms and numerical methods
- quantum feedback control and measurement
- hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
- analysis of controllability and expressivity in quantum control problems
- control of open quantum systems
- PDE-constrained optimization
- applications in quantum technologies
- experimental realizations of optimal control theory
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Christian Arenz (Arizona State University)
- Alfio Borzì (U Würzburg)
- Ugo Boscain (CNRS, Sorbonne University)
- Tommaso Calarco (FZ Jülich/ U Cologne)
- Michael Goerz (DEVCOM US Army Research Lab)
- Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
- Ilya Kuprov (U Southampton)
- Anja Metelmann (KIT Karlsruhe)
- Pierre Rouchon (Mines ParisTech)
- Sophie Schirmer (Swansea University)
- Oliver Tse (TU Eindhoven)
- Carrie Weidner (U Bristol)
- Brigitta Whaley (UC Berkeley)
- Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (FZ Jülich/ U Saarland)
(This list is continuously updated.)
Call for Abstracts
We welcome contributed talks and posters for the workshop.
Abstract Submission:
Please send us a title and a short abstract for your contribution via the registration form (see below). The abstract is limited to 1000 characters (plain text, no formulas or figures). Please indicate which type of contribution you prefer (talk or poster). As the number of contributed talks is limited, the organizers reserve the right to accept some of the presentations as posters only.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
March 1, 2024
Notification of Acceptance:
March 15, 2024
Registration is mandatory for participation in the workshop. The registration is only complete after the payment of the registration fee. Invited speakers and MATH+ members are exempt from the registration fee.
Registration deadline:
April 30, 2024
More information can be found on the event's website (see link below)